Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why didn't Obama go?

This is quite remarkable... world leaders join hand-in-hand... united in outrage against the Charlie Hebdo attack.

But more remarkable is President Obama didn't show up. Nor the Vice President nor the Secretary of State.

That little known ambassador just isn't high ranking enough.

Now, just why didn't he go? No one seems to know... is it not enough advance notice to get arrangement to Paris? Does he think it isn't so important to go? Did he play golf at somebody's wedding?

This is going to be in the history books.

Did he not go on purpose or by mistake?

Is he going to say Je suis désolé to the president of France?

What about leaders of the east? Did China send somebody? Did Japan send somebody? Are anyone outraged that the east didn't send their top leaders?

Now, 12 people dead is a lot... but here in Chicago, this many deaths by gun shots can probably be achieved in about 2 days.

Who is there to march hand-in-hand against violence right here? (Yea there were probably some but unfortunately most people who showed up are much lower profile that they don't matter)

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