Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The Chief Executive of Hong Kong is not able to take this Occupy Movement (Umbrella Revolution) anymore!

News link:是可忍孰不可忍-222013941.html

You may or may not like him, but he is able to quote Confucious here.

See its origin:

This means: he is not going to take this anymore. Now the police runs out of patience and there is now more police violence against the protestors, and some may be fighting back. Hong Kong is getting increasingly chaotic, but still better than tanks running over.

As I predicted now they are going on hunger strike and they are simply just hurting themselves. My new prediction these young people will simply give in to food and the whole thing will end with nothing changed.

So the 2 month standoff only created chaos and little will ever change, so we just have to BEG the people in power to be a bit more caring for people who don't have a future... Come on, housing is too expensive! But is choosing your own government head and occupying the streets going to get prices cheaper?

So I feel sad for Hong Kong.

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