Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Missing plane

So the Malaysia to Beijing plane just... vanished. No distress signal, no explosion reported, nor anything that can detect its whereabout. The stolen passports add new mystery.

Could it be a some terrorist act and a bomb that went off that instantly destroyed the plane? Could it be the communication system got turned off? It is not likely a terrorist event... as terrorists should have demanded something or make a statement? But yikes, this is insanely close to the Kwunming incident... so that probably should not be totally ruled out.

Could it be picked-up by a UFO? and it will eventually release it? Could it got into some sort of space-warp and ended up in another space-time? Ok I know it isn't likely.

But I got a suggestion for the designer of the black box flight recorder... How does installing a permanent GPS device sound??

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