Friday, September 20, 2013

Chicago shooting makes national headlines again

Look, another shooting making national headlines in Chicago, this time a 3 year old gets hurt. See details here. This guy is using a military grade weapon.

And people are clueless: not even sure who is the target, how many gunmen, what's the motive.

This line is alarming:

Chicago had more than 500 homicides in 2012 — more than any other city in the nation, and about 80 more than New York, which has three times as many people.

Even at the Navy Yard in DC... someone with mental health issues can go in gun... Go figure. Look something serious, red-line is going on. Yet no one can do anything about this?

I am willing to give up some freedom to see spy cameras on every corner, every park, everywhere, especially those troubled neighborhoods. And send clear messages that everyone is being recorded. That Boston bomber case was solved quickly because of those cameras.

I am staying indoors.

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