Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rainbow upon Washington

Rainbow flags waving all over the supreme court. It seems like DOMA is about to be overturned. It is a historic moment in America. You should see mentioning of this in future history textbooks. See here for some pictures and details (or just about any news site).

Candidates for future election had to make sure they announce now they support same sex marriage. The Republicans party who don't want to lose anymore now has to do whatever it takes to get some votes and start supporting it too. It seems like those who oppose it won't have even a slight chance to win. I do not know of a single candidate who loudly dare to not support it.

Articles upon articles have written to convince people to support it... the themes revolve around "government shouldn't decide who you can marry", and "Get Equal".

Why do people oppose it? They pull out the Bible and point to the few couple pages of the first book. Adam & Eve: one man, one woman. The only possible way to "go forth and multiply". (They do not find brother marry sister bothersome) Now, some people don't believe in the Bible so that argument is not valid. And for those who only turn to the first couple pages of the Bible... I'd like to hear what they say about the biblical but multiple wives of their favorite characters Abraham and Jacob, and others. Ok, if the purpose of marriage is to have kids... are we banning people who past their fruitful age to marry or those who can't have babies marry? Of course not, that's not a valid argument either.

"What if 3 men want to be married" asked Santorum and he got blasted for saying that in comparing marriage and polygamy. He got blasted on othing things too, he didn't win and you will probably never hear from him again.

If "Get Equal" takes place, the answer to Santorum's question is a resounding yes! Use this symbol if you like: ≡ Then why not 4,5,6,...n.

What kind of world do we live in if the family is gone and replaced by whatever-combo-you-like. Now that's liberty alright. Ok, marriage itself is failing. How big percent is the divorce rate now? (ok you can look it up yourself)

Oh let me remind you, same sex couple cannot give children that come from both "parents" even if you use surrogate mother and other methods. That makes it different. I am sorry, but same-sex marriage and opposite-sex marriage is not equal.

So one complaint was that when one of the same-sex couple died, the other one cannot inherit that money. Let's CHANGE that! So that you can leave your $ to anyone. But you don't have to change marriage to make that happen.

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