Thursday, March 14, 2013

Harsh Windows 8 Verdict: It has failed

ZDNet gives a harsh report card for Windows 8 and plenty of reasons why it failed. See here: Five reasons why Windows 8 has failed.

Yikes, it has done poorer than Vista. While you are at it, read the "Metro is awful" link.

Now Microsoft, do you realize that you made some wrong decisions? (Fire the guy who pushed this interface) Are you going to say dude, at first people didn't like the mouse either?

Yikes your Surface isn't selling either. I'd LOVE to see a product that is even better than the IPad or the Android pads, but I didn't find the Surface is it. It is heavy and wacky.

Before you go into depression, let me tell you this: Windows 8 isn't doing well because Windows 7 was good... it got you back on track after the Vista failure. To fix Windows 8, LISTEN to your users, specifically ME:

  1. Give an option to go back to Windows 7 interface with Start button. Gimme Aero back. I am sick of flat colors.
  2. Gimme back the DVD player. Come on.
  3. LOTS of people wanted an option to boot right into Desktop. Give this option to people. Nobody needs the flipping tiles Start screen.

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