Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mac BSOD and math tools

I've heard one co-worker said this "You never have to reboot your Mac. My Mac has been running for months." Ok that's nice. Windows users probably should restart at least once a week.

Ok, so I don't turn off the Mac. I just put it to sleep. As time goes on, it's getting slower... churning... that color wheel spinning without reason... It just chokes sometimes. Then today, boom, it restarted itself!

Not exactly a BSOD but it is a crash. Fortunately after restarting it is working again.

This means: Mac fanboys, Mac is not bulletproof.

Ok ok, enough Mac bashing. I found the following math utilities on my Mac awesome.

1. The calculator
Look, it's got RPN mode! Great! Although Windows 7 has a even more interesting mode: mortgage calculator. But this is a great looking calculator app. and RPN is great to have.

2. Grapher
Oh my, it is Algebra student's dream app. It plots nice graphs for you. (Nicer than the grapher app that I wrote). But hey I write my own tools. Love that math input capability. Oh mine it's got 3D graphs!

1 comment:

Jade said...

Just like my old Mac... so get a new one :D
MacBook Air is what you want!