Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit

Earth can see Venus passing through the sun! Details here. This is a rare event. The next transit is 105 years from now. Hmm how did they calculate that? That calculation will probably scare me. Waita minute how do you know that is actually Venus? Ok ok I believe the scientists out there.

Venus is supposedly about the same size as Earth. Look, do you realize that we are so small compared to the sun. I do. I knew that at my first visit to the planetarium in Hong Kong. Look, if the sun is size of a basketball, we are like a grain of corn. The sun is just a typical size star in the billions of stars in Milky Way... and the Milky Way is just one of the billions of galaxies.

Yes it is a BIG world out there. Most earthlings seldom ever look up, they look down and work on their own things. Instead of pondering the mysteries of the universe, most earthlings actually have an even more important question to think about. And it is "what's for dinner".

Ok folks, AFTER dinner, when you have a moment, look up perhaps you will find some awesomeness within the universe.

Alas, I can't see any stars, I live in the city.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I missed the time at the Canyon, awesome night view to the sky!