π Day has come and gone, nobody cares about its significance this year, and no one talks about the
Tau Manifesto on news headline this year... because there are other real news that shook the headlines.
The world is saddened on the massacre of the 16 innocent people in Afghanistan by a US soldier. If you send soldiers to some foreign place and get injured with no clear objective and no end in sight I am sure many will go crazy as well.
Yes, it was horrible act of violence.
But it is also horrible to have this longest ever American conflict. Waita minute, why is America fighting in Iraq and Afghan again? Ok, Iraq... is because someone believe Saddam has some weapon of mass destruction and that turn out to be false. Afghan? it is because Al Queada is there? Now bin Laden is gone isn't it time to wrap up?
We can't yank all Al Quedas... new ones will come if we continue to provoke violence.
Bring the troops home!
Let me remind you of a even more violent act by American soldiers: the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.
It is horrible that thousands and thousands people die in war throughout history... the death of innocent people sadly is not uncommon.
Bring the troops home! As quickly as we possibly can!