Friday, February 10, 2012

CD rate is so low

At a bank, I saw this advertisement:

10 year CD, $10,000. 2%.

Oh my, the rates are so low! Not too long ago it was more like 5%.

I learned some reasons here.

So this reflects poor economy. But when CD rates go up, so do mortgage rates. This means: time to refinance if your rate is high and your house is still worth money.

I am never good at financial things. But knowing too much may not be a good thing either. People go invest too aggressively and eventually lose. Stocks is too sensitive to news and world events. War going on or somebody important assassinated? Boom, stocks fall. Who can predict who will wage war with whom for what reasons? Life is too short to watch shirt-and-tie people talking Wall Street. I play on the safe side.

2% is still money, though not a whole lot. But I won't lock it for 10 years.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

2% for 10 years is foolish.
Inflation will eat the money.

That 10K belongs to a stock ETF.