Thursday, January 19, 2012


You have seen and heard about SOPA because you use the Internet. Google (and other sites) urge you to take action to tell Congress to stop it.

Before you follow the millions to sign it. Perhaps we should see why someone would propose such laws... oh to protect intellectual property. Here, you can take a look at the case for it here.

Ok, let's say Piscasso is alive and he makes some great art. Someone decides to photocopy them and post all over the walls to share with his friends. Do we need a law to let the government strike down any walls hosting this?

That is certainly the wrong way to stop piracy, and it won't stop them really all that much.

The internet is free and ought to stay free.

Look Congress, there are much more other important work to be done... like reducing that huge deficit, do something about failing school system, and dealing with other world crisis.

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