Monday, January 9, 2012

Ditch these 10 devices in 2012?

Someone wrote about 10 devices to ditch in 2012, see here.

Basically the writer has an iphone and everything else is not important anymore.

  1. The flip camcorder Unfortunately Cisco aren't making them anymore. This is a way cool device that the iPhone CANNOT easily replace. First this is inexpensive. Second this is so easy to use that a kid can use, do you want a 5 year old to crack your iPhone?
  2. Portable DVD player Yes newer movies now can be downloaded and stuff. What about your older ones. Are you going to bother copying them to other media to play with your newer machines?
  3. Flash Drive Cloud replaces it? I'll bet to differ. What if cloud services decide to crash on you, or you got connection issues. you will lose EVERYTHING. It is handy backup device.
  4. GPS Yes if you have smartphone and have expensive data plan yes you can ditch this.
  5. Small digital camera Yes if your smartphone can do high quality pictures with flashes and all that
  6. Fax You should have thrown it out a few years ago.
  7. Netbooks But it is cheaper than your iPads
  8. CD player But your computer should still have one to reinstall some stuff in case you need
  9. Voice recorder You should have ditched them years ago
  10. Palm The modern android is just a beautified colorful version of this. You should give your respect to it like give respect to the Wright brothers each time you fly.

Don't really need to toss most of that list away (except that fax and Palm). The Iphone cannot replace EVERYTHING yet. It is great but remember you pay a lot of $ for it (and continue to do so monthly).

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