Friday, September 9, 2011

911 10th anniversary

The 10th anniversary of 911 is coming soon. I am sure everyone old enough will have vivid memory of that day. What were you doing on that day?

I remember that day had perfect weather... and I have some code to implement. I was at a client's office (my ONLY work experience to work outside of my company) Then soon after the first plane hit. I am not sure how to react. My first reaction was... why so panic? Yikes it may be a  horrible accident but miles and miles away, ok? I got stuff to work on.

Then soon after the 2nd plane hit I was told to go home. I am still puzzled.

Oh it was a terrorist attack!

Yikes, even one plane was hijacked it will be on headlines for days, 4 planes? and 2 crashed into the World Trade Center and one onto the Pentagon? OMG. Now I realize this is serious.

Then the videos of the planes crashing in re-run many many times.

10 years later, bin Laden dead, but we are still into War on Terror and no complete end in sight.

10 years later, jobs changed a few times. That code I worked on that day is probably no longer used (It was some ASP and VB6 stuff)

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