Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3/4 not ready for college

Today's Sun Times headline says,
Three of four state grads not ready for college, ACT scores show.

The article itself focus on science, the Related Documents give you more data in details. Yes, this is quite depressing for Illinois.

But is the ACT really a good predictor of college success?

That science test (when I took it) was merely a reading comprehension kind of test. Does it really measure science knowledge?

ACT Math is very easy. Come on teen, you can do this. I hate the term "college algebra" there is nothing college about it.

The English part is very reasonable. It tests your understanding of grammar rules and it is something you can actually prepare for, unlike crazy antonym test of arcane words you have not seen nor will ever see in the SAT.

How come we have 2 tests for college admission? I vote we whack the SAT and embrace the ACT. SAT scoring was 2*Verbal+Math. That is DISCRIMINATION to math!

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

Maybe those that didn't go to college are happier being a skilled craftsman, entrepreneur or something positive?