Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Look at these garbage!

News says the new mayor agreed it is the right thing to close the beach when people gets too hot and get sick.

Yes, I agree too. Although it must be disappointing for those people who wanta have some summer fun.

It was a hot memorial day, and THOUSANDS of people went to the beach. I know because I was at Lake Shore Drive stuck for an hour+.

OMG, LOOK AT THOSE GARBAGE! How irresponsible are those people. COME ON. They are polluting the beach big time!

Get cops out there to give them tickets for garbage throwing and the city can instantly get a ton of cash.

LOOK beach people, use common sense, get a lot of water with you to prevent heat stroke, and COME ON, PICK UP THAT GARBAGE. That garbage can filled up? Get it on your own garbage bag and take them with you.

Ok, Memorial Day is not working. It is supposed to remember those who were lost in battles. But besides those who actually lost love ones, everyone else seem to be just barbecuing. Just call it the Long Weekend Day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Minor complains for the Android built-in calculator

I love to play with calculators. They are fun toys and relief you from mundane calculation routines.

Just about every phone comes with a calculator app. I have some minor complains with the default Android calculator.

I love the test case of dividing by 0. This is the only taboo function in the calculator world. 1 / 0 is... ∞ (infinity)?
Ah ha, once you get ∞, you can add stuff or subtract stuff from it... of course still infinity.

I beg to differ for this answer. Dividing by 0 is undefined, not infinity!

There is a Advanced Panel, with trigs and log function there. Ok, let me try other invalid operations like log of a negative number, it tells me "Error". Good.
Why can't "Error" be used in dividing by 0?

Technically, even log of a negative number is defined when you involve the complex numbers, but dividing by 0 is not.

Now, sin(30). Why is it not 1/2? Oh it is stuck in radian mode.

There are PLENTY of Android calculator apps out there, and I am not going to bother to build my own. I built a 4 function calculator and RPN calculator in Turbo Pascal in high school.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OUTRAGEOUS Windows 7 issue

Windows 7 does not show the handy IME pad for entering handwritten Chinese.

A lot of people are seeing this. See

No workaround, no fix.

Come on, this works perfectly in Windows XP.

You select Chinese keyboard in Control Panel and it will give you hand recogniztion for Korean and Japanese? Thanks for the extra, but where the hell is the Chinese IME.


Other than this, Windows 7 works fine until I discover another outrageous issue.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yahoo 10 year anniversary

My yahoo email address has the year 2001 in it. That's because josephmak is taken when I try to open up such account and it suggested me to add the current year back then with it.

It is 2011... I had the yahoo account for a DECADE.

Back then, messenger was kinda new. Yahoo account was created so my coworkers can chat. I witnessed years of messenger getting matured, and web email interface getting better.

That job was gone, so are jobs after that. A decade is a long time... coworkers still appears connected but we are no longer chatting (and that's ok).

It hurts when trying to contact some old colleagues and get ignored. It won't be so fun when I see them again, especially if they ever need to work under me.

Ooh, yahoo email has an update. See here. Oh, it seems to be better than the previous ajax version. Nice try.

Yahoo email is decent. Gmail's conversation model is a bit wacky but I get used to it now. Both are free and that's great, and I NEVER pay attention to the ads.
I like hotmail the least.

Friday, May 20, 2011

End of World tomorrow?

May 21, 2011: another pointless prediction that the world will end based on groundless interpretation of the Bible.

Just how many times people have failed predicting the end of the world? I'll let you google around.

Let's look at this May 21, 2011 prediction for a moment: here.

Look, what makes you think that statement to Noah "Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth" point to the end of the world? The calculations that follows are simply... nonsense.

This guy has plenty of Bible quotes, but didn't bother to look at some real ones such as Jesus talk about he will come like a thief. Are you able to predict thieves?

But the sad news is: there are people who may actually believe this and someone paid money for those billboards.

Read that Bible. Don't just listen to someone else quote chunks of it.

Did someone else predict 2012? We'll see.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Distrubutions Plushies

Statisticians will love these: Distrubtion Plushies.

I used to know some glorious details about them... of course, the most famous being the normal distribution.

Yes, that's the bell curve.

It is mathematically saying... most people are average, a few of them will stand out extraordinary good, and a few will be extraordinary bad.

There are teachers who grade on the curve... even if you get 50 points in an exam you probably are still not getting an F... it depends on how your other classmates are doing.

I BEG TO DIFFER in this grading scale. All my students can get perfect scores if I teach them right.

The normal distribution function begs to be integrable to get analytical answers, but sorry, it simply can't be integrated, because it involves ex^2. Nope, u-substitution is not going to work, and by-part isn't going to work either.

But OMG, although the indefinite integral cannot be evaluated, but the definite integral from -infinity to +infinity can... and there is this surprising relationship between e and pi!

See Gaussian Integral for details. This is one reason Gauss is the prince of mathematics.

And if you have never heard of Gauss, you did not have an decent education.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama got Osama

Osama bin Laden is dead. this is extremely significant milestone... and some sort of justification to YEARS of military action (which depletes American resources quite a bit). We did this just one time, before the 10th anniversary of 911. So he is dead... in Pakistan, not Iraq or Afghanistan.
That Ak-47 that Osama always has behind him was not able to help him kill one or two US troops.

Does this mean Al Queada is done? I am afraid not. There will be revenge. America must continue to be on high alert!

Waita minute, just why did Osama plan 911? Ah, he is just a mad man? This is what he has to say:

"Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed - when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the -same way (and) to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women. Osama bin Laden, 2004

It is a cycle of revenge going on here.

Let's break the cycle of violence with LOVE and FORGIVENESS?

I know what you gonna say, Come on, it is NAIVE to even think that.

But waita minute it may just WORK. How about leave them alone... give Palaestine and Lebanon some aids (instead of bombs). Let that violent neighbor live peacefully together. How about a turn-in-your-guns-for-food program. (Gee, I am not working on that post)

If you ask EVERY human being.. dude, do you prefer violence or food? I suppose everyone would want food, even the "bad guys".

Perhaps it is time to think naively to break the cycle of violence.