Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Violence everywhere

Everyday you see news items like this:

  • x people shot, y cops dead
  • Suicide bomber killed n
  • Genocide somewhere in Africa kills hundreds

When killings happen in warzones or somewhere remote, we shrug and say "we can't help it".
When killings happen close at home, we briefly mourn the death of the innocent victims and life goes on. We shrug.
When suicide bombing in airport, we are scared briefly but it isn't stopping vacation/business trip plans unless it happens right here in your airport. We shrug.

Suicide bombing and genocide has deeply rooted hatred and unending revenge that has no easy solution.

There are people (even women) with plenty of AK-47 around them and ready to be suicide bomb anytime. This story here is quite scary.

What about killings right at home... there are too much gun violence!

Yet, people will say Gun control measures don't stop violence.

Ok, there are some valid points in that article: Gun control only restricts law abiding citizens.

Guns are intended for self-defense? I am SURE the congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford have some security guards around her at the time of shooting and how effective was the defense?

When do you hear news items say some people were able to fend off/kill burglars with their guns? You are more likely to read kids stealing their parents guns to kill their classmates or themselves.

Some people want laws to allow them to carry guns around, concealed and shoot any time like Old West, and that is insane.

Given that gun control is useless to stop violence... there will be more and more victims. Look at the illustration in Time magazine for some alarming statistics.

It is a miracle... that Gifford is recovering. After she wake up, please ask her, are you still pro-guns? Read about her stance of gun control here here

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