Wednesday, January 12, 2011

66% tax increase coming

Look out Illinois: 66 percent increase on income tax coming, and no other states has to raise tax.

Some predicted people will soon moving out to do business elsewhere... and other catastrophe. Ok, let's look at this 66%. Oh, it is 3% to 5% income tax increase, and we have a flat percentage.

No increase in tax and the state may be in debt spiral: fiscal house is burning. No tax payer wants tax increase.

I support spend money wisely and temporary small increase tax to cover the mess but the state's money must be managed correctly. I want to elect upright people who do things right. But they are hard to find or may not exist at all.

Why is Illinois the only states to do this?
Why Chicago has the most expensive gas per gallon?
Why Chicago has the highest sales tax?

Why am I still here? But it will cost me $ and a lot of courage to go to a brand new place.

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