Friday, January 28, 2011

Math and Science in the State of the Union

I applaud Obama's State of the Union address regarding math and science education.

It is first realizing that we lag behind, and indicating where that responsibility is (and Obama do not have to tell you, everyone SHOULD know this already).

Think about it. Over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require education that goes beyond a high school degree. And yet, as many as a quarter of our students aren’t even finishing high school.

The quality of our math and science education lags behind many other nations. America has fallen to 9th in the proportion of young people with a college degree. And so the question is whether all of us – as citizens, and as parents – are willing to do what’s necessary to give every child a chance to succeed.

That responsibility begins not in our classrooms, but in our homes and communities. It’s family that first instills the love of learning in a child. Only parents can make sure the TV is turned off and homework gets done. We need to teach our kids that it’s not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair;

Well if the TV is turned off right there. America will not hear the rest of his speech (unless you sit right in front of him).

About science fair... it is a HARD thing to do. Very hard to come up with a good topic (and able to explain and able to demonstrate). Great ones such as splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, and some pseudo-volcano are so un-original. I think it is far more important for students to understand concepts.

TV can actually help education. Audio/visual is far better than hitting the books. I'd like to see great TV shows promoting education, beyond the elementary school level.
Bill Nye the science guy is a GREAT show. I'd like to see a show that shows me an equation or two for some real science. Someone please videotape some great lectures from college professors (and add great visual demonstrations)

I hope some young people raise their hands and response in tears to the following call.

In fact, to every young person listening tonight who’s contemplating their career choice: If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make a difference in the life of a child –
become a teacher. Your country needs you.

However, do we have enough schools to host new teachers? Do they have to wait til some old teachers retire? Are neighborhoods safe, free of drugs and gangs in order for teachers to feel safe? There may be more underlying problems than not enough teachers.

Now, let's talk about jobs. Even if you have a sea of educated people with college diplomas, if there is no jobs out there it is still quite useless. And, a lowly bachelor college diploma is not adequate any real math/science work, it is merely a beginning. Jobs are being exported as outsourcing steal jobs, and nothing is manufactured here. We ought to protect jobs here by taxing the heck out of companies who bodyshop workers from overseas.

Ultimately it is the parents' responsibility to teach your kids to want at least a BASIC education.
It is not enough to "don't be a fool, stay in school", but take advantage of it, learn something! Don't be a lazy fool.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Violence everywhere

Everyday you see news items like this:

  • x people shot, y cops dead
  • Suicide bomber killed n
  • Genocide somewhere in Africa kills hundreds

When killings happen in warzones or somewhere remote, we shrug and say "we can't help it".
When killings happen close at home, we briefly mourn the death of the innocent victims and life goes on. We shrug.
When suicide bombing in airport, we are scared briefly but it isn't stopping vacation/business trip plans unless it happens right here in your airport. We shrug.

Suicide bombing and genocide has deeply rooted hatred and unending revenge that has no easy solution.

There are people (even women) with plenty of AK-47 around them and ready to be suicide bomb anytime. This story here is quite scary.

What about killings right at home... there are too much gun violence!

Yet, people will say Gun control measures don't stop violence.

Ok, there are some valid points in that article: Gun control only restricts law abiding citizens.

Guns are intended for self-defense? I am SURE the congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford have some security guards around her at the time of shooting and how effective was the defense?

When do you hear news items say some people were able to fend off/kill burglars with their guns? You are more likely to read kids stealing their parents guns to kill their classmates or themselves.

Some people want laws to allow them to carry guns around, concealed and shoot any time like Old West, and that is insane.

Given that gun control is useless to stop violence... there will be more and more victims. Look at the illustration in Time magazine for some alarming statistics.

It is a miracle... that Gifford is recovering. After she wake up, please ask her, are you still pro-guns? Read about her stance of gun control here here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today I come across a command line tool known as cURL that can retrieve stuff from a URL.
This reminded of the "inverted triangle" operator. See glorious details here.

There is a very good (classic) book named Div, Grad, Curl and all that that helped me understand some of that stuff.
This book has helped students for decades.

The curl appears in the differential form of the glorious Maxwell Equations that governs electromagnectic forces. I want to buy a T-shirt with these 4 beautiful equations on them.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


There is a 22 year old who wrote a 2266 "parallel poem" that breaks record.
News item is here.


Impressive indeed. Some excerpts in here.

However, great poetry does not have to be long and record breaking.
Short 20 word poems can be classified as a "ultimate!" 絕 and receive endless praise for centuries.

That excerpt reminds me of this classic, written with an education focus.
That impressive poem has no duplicate words, but this does not have the "parallel" feature.
I am sure most Chinese do NOT know all 1000 words there, and that's a children book. (Ok, I admit I don't either)
See, ancient Chinese education is quite demanding.

Ancient Chinese education focus much on word elegance.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chinese Mom vs Western Mom

There is a wall street journal article about Chinese Mom vs Western Mom, in which the author' kids are not allowed to:

  • Attend a sleepover
  • have a playdate
  • be in a school play
  • complain about not being in a school play
  • watch TV or play computer games
  • choose their own extracurricular activities
  • get any grade less than an A
  • not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama
  • play any instrument other than the piano or violin
  • not play the piano or violin.

Whoa, this even made to CNN.

This is an attempt to win some attention by being loud. That's a 4-word Chinese proverb phrase (譁眾取寵) that many poorly Chinese educated second generation such as the author probably does NOT know.

Ah ha, the idea is to promote a book. and I WILL NOT BUY and western moms shouldn't buy either!

Look, you are pushing your kids to the cliff. No grade less than A? Come on. This is nuts and not superior.
Rather, encourage your kids to do their best. Help them with their homework. If there are 4 A's given in a 20 people class. You want the 16 kids to jump off the cliff? Ridiculous!

Look, there are MANY other instruments besides the piano and the violin. There is nothing wrong in learning things other than that either.

Yes, I do agree we should demand more from kids. Pratice! I do agree practice is crucial for success... for mechanical tasks such as mulitplying 2 3-digit numbers together by pencil-and-paper method. Yes, for piano and violin... tremendous number of hours needed to play just one song.

There is nothing wrong about being in school play. This is a great social activity that I would encourage kids to go.

The author father called her "GARBAGE!" and the book probably is. Look, this means that comment had tremendous impact on kids so the author remember it for years.
Don't call your kids garbage please.

There is nothing wrong NOT know how to play the piano and violin either. You can't turn that skills to cash unless you become someone like Lang Lang.

The important thing is you teach them discipline... It is OK to play a game or watch some TV.
Teaching them discipline IS embracing your kids. Parents MUST participate in your kids' education.

Why the heck are you pushing your kids to learn that piano and violin? The right reason is... music is fun, and not for showing off your Sargent parenting results.
If YOU can't play as well as your kids, YOU ARE GARBAGE! GO PRACTICE!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

66% tax increase coming

Look out Illinois: 66 percent increase on income tax coming, and no other states has to raise tax.

Some predicted people will soon moving out to do business elsewhere... and other catastrophe. Ok, let's look at this 66%. Oh, it is 3% to 5% income tax increase, and we have a flat percentage.

No increase in tax and the state may be in debt spiral: fiscal house is burning. No tax payer wants tax increase.

I support spend money wisely and temporary small increase tax to cover the mess but the state's money must be managed correctly. I want to elect upright people who do things right. But they are hard to find or may not exist at all.

Why is Illinois the only states to do this?
Why Chicago has the most expensive gas per gallon?
Why Chicago has the highest sales tax?

Why am I still here? But it will cost me $ and a lot of courage to go to a brand new place.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Geometry problem that stumped the nation - and I admit defeat

I saw a book that features this problem here - it is a geometry problem that stumped the nation!

This looks just like a regular sophomore high school geometry problem... and I admit defeat after spending half an hour or so. The equations formed... just don't give enough information?!

Even some NASA scientists can't do this!

I didn't bother to follow the solution on the book that I can't come up with myself either.

But the brainteasers in the book... I got instantly turned off on the first one.

Question: Two U.S Coins adds up to 30 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are the 2 coins?
Answer: One nickel and One quarter. Look, just one of them is not a nickel, but the other one is. Duh. I am not reading further.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saddened once more with shooting

There was another shooting rampage in America over the weekend, this time involves a congresswoman. Details here. The ammo was bought in Walmart.

We have seen the following too often: somebody write a few lines in social websites, shoot people, get arrested or die at the scene.

If the congresswoman miraculously recovers... I hope she will think gun laws (is it on anybody's agenda?)

If you think gun laws are useless I hope you won't be the next victim in the next shooting spree.

Mentally disturbed people are dangerous.
Mentally disturbed people with guns are more dangerous.

Sure, he could have used knifes or ninja stars. It is probably far easier to stop someone with those weapons.

We are so helpless. Who will be the next poor victim?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Excise tax

I learned about excise tax in elementary school. The teacher told me it is extra tax for special items such as alcohol and cigarettes. Some call it the "sin tax".

"Oh that will probably never apply to me", I thought.

Not so. Look at your mobile phone bill. Why is it so expensive? You are paying a big percentage in excise tax!

Wow, how much the government is silently collecting this money... so many users, for so many months? I wonder why no one ever complain about this.

Also, I think the phone industry should stay away from contracts... no one wants to be bind, and everyone knows the cheap phones are just ways to lure you to contracts.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Happy New Year! Holidays are over. Back to work!

In the past, the joy of New Year usually goes by so quickly... I remember having to face bitter cold and shovel snow most of the time... This year... wow, it is quite WARM. Is it global warming taking place? Although global warming is scary, I WELCOME lower heat bills.

The most scary new year story is dead birds falling... followed by more news of instability and violences around the world as we step closer to the 10th anniversary of 911.

New Year Resolution? (1) Stay alive. (2) Stay Employed. Hopefully to learn some new skills to sustain (2).

Tech Trend of 2011? Endless talks of Apps on gadgets. (Are you tired yet?) I'd like to find some time to do my own Android app on a tablet/phone... seems very doable.

Have a wonderful prosperous New Year.