Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Frozen Dinners

Americans like frozen dinners for lunch. Look at them: small plate, cold, frozen, unlively. But the amazing power of microwave... at least 5 minutes of it... give it LIFE! Their buyers happily chow it down.

Do they taste good? Probably won't be. But better than nothing.

But it is probably better than that expensive, high-calorie, isn't-so-good-either burger/fries/drinks at the fast food restaurant.

What's so frustrating about frozen dinner is that they take up precious time in the microwave when they are most needed... in the lunch hour. After 5 MINUTES of waiting, some guys dare to stir it around with the fork, boom close the door again for additional 2 more minutes.

We need a Constitutional Amendment! These guys SHOULD GO TO THE END OF THE QUEUE.

It is better to cook yourself than eat those pathetic frozen stuff. I hope you can find time to the supermarket and learn a recipe or two. Bring lunch. Spend 2.5 minutes a the microwave only AND DON'T stir your stuff then SLAM THE DOOR again for more time.

Alternatively, eat out. Don't block the microwave.

The world needs more of: affordable restaurants with good food, low price, low calorie.

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