Friday, May 28, 2010

Jobs and Leaving Reasons (part 1)

I've had several jobs in my career, and it perhaps is a good thing. If you have a 10 year job on your resume, it may be hard for you to find another job unless your title is VP and up. Do I want to have to jump jobs? Some people do: they get bored after a couple years. I don't. Job search and getting adjusted and all that are waste of time. Ideally I grow with a company and I ever have to hunt jobs and face endless frustrations during the processes.

I don't know how many times I fill job application forms during job search process.
People should not ask me to fill one up until you are ready to hire me. Don't misuse my information there. One particular interesting blanks to fill is job history and reason to leave. If someone leaves because the company they work for are full of damn idiots are they going to fill "leave the bunch of idiots there?" I will share the real reason to leave behind "seeking better opportunities"

Job 1: The guys there want me to run poorly written programs and babysit them. You don't put talented people in stupid role like this. This place is also full of foreign-language speaking people depicting poor professionalism.

Job 2: The job asks me to convert some poorly written full of GOTO, BASIC-like programs written for DOS into Windows. There are absolutely no specs: the job is to reproduce it. There are absolutely no full scale testing. This could be a successful product if some more resource put on it. Done with it, out I go.

Job 3: Absolute idiot "education software" systems in outrageous sloppy C++. This was BEFORE any visual languages such as VB, Delphi, C#. It was Borland C++ with OWL.

Absolutely poor company culture. Its culture is constantly praising the CEO. The guy who hired me quit after a week. I quit after 3 months.

Job 4: This is more like it. Custom software place with good amount of talent. Great culture: people work together. But, for a long time I was supporting existing things, fixing things here and there. Then I get chance to work on some web applications and learn a couple things along the way. However, for reasons still exactly unknown to me, the company collapsed. I like their philosophy: in-house, talented team, non-bodyshop consulting.

To be continued... (I have Job 5 to Job 7 to talk about, I am now at Job 8)

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