Monday, May 17, 2010

Don't worry about money, just marry a rich lady?

Here is an interesting story about a woman making twice as much as her blue-collar husband.

Waita minute, why is this in the news. If you make twice as much as your wife you are not on the news. If you're unemployed and your wife is not, there is not even a number that can describe how much your wife is making more than you. (Divide by 0 Exception)

Look guys, if you are making little now, that does not mean you're making little tomorrow. The guy in the story got some talent: listening skills and music skills. Ancient proverb is: Laugh at an old-bearded man, but don't laugh at a young poor man. I am sure the lady in the article would dump him if he didn't try to make any progress at work. Men must stay working diligently at whatever their occupation.

Don't worry about money, just marry a rich lady is pure wrong.
Cinderella expecting prince is also wrong. First of all, if you're really Cinderella your prince appeared decades ago.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

You can laugh at some youthful men because some never grow up to accomplish anything.

Men and Women need to have a skill to make money - just in case one lose ability to generate income.