Tuesday, August 11, 2009

瑜 vs 亮

You may remember that 夏雨 came up with the phrase 有口也是和,無口也是禾, meaning 大家要和和氣氣。 in 《溏心風暴》.
This is actually a spin off of a famous poetry competition of 周瑜 vs 諸葛亮

See this link for details.

This is a big game of 形聲字!

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

Is it possible that these guys break down so many words and make rhyming sentences in conversation? Could authors added this stuff later in the novel?

Chinese wordplay is mostly a lost art. Mr. LoSiu (I am not sure who that guy is) diffuse these hero characters with yet another word play. This is crazy amazing.

It is very sad that these highly talented guys eventually become losers in the war.