Friday, March 6, 2009

Unemployment rate

Latest news: unemployment reaches 8.1%. Whoa. 25 year high.

That's the national average. See here for state averages. Ok, this data is not so recent, but some states reaches almost 10%.
Biggest unemployment is in Michigan, where auto plants are... well not even Toyota can sell a lot of cars these days.

The unemployment rate sounds bad, and it is probably going to cause more DOW loss. But we have seen worst. When? um, 25 years ago! How did we get out of that? Is there any econ history lesson to be learned? Cycles of boom and bust seem inevitable.

We gotta be innovative to get customers... build a better and cheaper car and I will be glad to buy one!

Wyoming has lowest unemployment... what do they do over there? Everyone just maintains Yellowstone?

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