Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Putting up with things that don't make sense

Everyday on public transportation, I see people punching text messages on their phone. This is unseen a few years ago when phones were just used for talking.
Phones no longer have 12 buttons and a few arrow keys and 2 soft keys, almost all modern phones have a rice-krispie keyboard for people thumbing messages with the QWERTY keyboard.

QWERTY makes no sense! Keys should be layout as ABCDE... At one point I thought maybe people has done analysis so that the least used keys such as Q and Z are further away. Um, is the semicolon used so often that it is in the home keys?
No, QWERTY is the old typewriter keyboard designed that way to slow down people and prevent jamming.

Of course you have also heard of the Dvorak keyboard which is designed to type faster, but of course you gotta learn it first.

Most of use are trained to PUT UP with non sense rather than bother to fight them.


Alex Mak said...

Daylight Saving Time do not save energy and it just don't make sense anymore.

Tax return is senseless homework. Don't take too much money in the first place. The money is mine and the government just wrongfully kept it for the year.

QWERTY? it's a fine layout. It will make no sense to change this even if there are better alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Are you Einstein ?