Monday, July 14, 2008

Not getting an iPhone

The iPhone is essentially a colorful small computer. Wow, that feature list is impressive. Price has came down, but I am still not getting one. That price tag is just 1 reason.

That monthly fee is big. That phone price is probably set smaller than the actual cost as a bait.
It is big. Can it fit in my jean pocket? My fairly basic Nokia can.

I prefer flip phone over keypad lock, even pressing * 0 is too much work for me to unlock. I want to just open-and-use it. Is that screen scratch protected? A computer deserves a protective cover like a laptop or a Palm flap.

I don't want to tap with my big finger, how about a stylus?

I demand a phone to have actual 12 buttons. Not pseudo buttons.

The Blackberry has too many buttons. I don't need a QWERTY keyboard (I prefer a QWERTY keyboard where I can tap)

Yes, I prefer the Palm over the iPhone. How I wish I can plug a headset and use as phone.

But Palm sadly is not as feature rich. At least I can't TALK with it.

Palm combined with phone is nothing new. But yikes, that rice krispie keyboard on Treo I don't like.

My Palm's stylus calliberation is out of whack and no way to fix! :(
I have my THIRD Palm now. First one is water damaged, 2nd one is cracked. How sad
Besides is Palm going out of business soon? no new products for a long time.

So here are the features of my perfect phone:
0. Able to call/receive calls (of course)
1. has 12 actual buttons (and softkeys and directional keys to choose icons) but no more, please lay them out nice and clean.
2. has phone book and alarm clock and vibrate, with quick way to go to silence mode
3. no unlocking, flip phone
4. water resistant (are there ANY?)
5. able to play J2ME games. Give me chess! Give me tetris! I don't need to fight M. Bison on a small screen. (yes, Street Fighter is available for phone)
6. No antenna stick out. (please don't destroy my jeans)
7. able to play mp3. *I* pick the songs. Damn iPod will download everything without my consent. provide a USB chord so I can upload/download address book.

Features I don't need:
internet: I prefer an actual computer with big screen
camera: I prefer a full featured actual camera with flash

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