Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Scumbag and gridbag

Even Bill Clinton can't control his language by calling a reporter a "scumbag". See this link for details.
Some reporters are slimy and sleezy. Yes, some are scumbags. It is interesting that some words are classified as appropriate and some are not.

In Java programming there is a difficult-to-use thing known as the GridBagLayout that one needs to know a few things about to pass the Sun Certififed Java Programmer test.

In Java UI, you add controls to a form in one of the defined Layouts. Unfortunately there is simply no way to put them on your specified coordinates! You can't even specify the exact width and height of a button either in most layouts. The gridbaglayout is the most cusomizable layout but it is just very hard to use. Java HAD the opportunity to be a great platform for rich client programming. They blew it. Java UI are not nearly as cool as what Flash can do. Java is retreated just to server side programming.

I call it the ScumBagLayout.

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