Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Nurture Tiger that would be a Threat

Oh my, tiger jumped out of cage and killed somebody! See this news.

Zoos are relatively safe, we don't hear much news about dangers at the zoo. But there is this potential threat. Oh my, that potential threat became kinetic this time.

The old (Chinese) proverb "Nurture Tiger that would be a Threat" says if we keep someone potentially dangerous around, it will eventually come back to bite you. This usually refers to people, such as an dishonest employee, or some disloyal general who is ready to overthrow the emperor.

This death would make zoos tighten up their cage (or the designing of it). Lawsuits may result and the victim's family may receive some $ as settlement. That's it. A precious life is lost. Sadly, everybody else's life goes on.

Perhaps it is time to evaluate. Do we need zoos? Animals are expensive to keep. Tigers eat up lots of chickens! Is there enough people willing to pay $ to visit (and to smell) them to pay for the $ require to feed them? Wildlife belongs to the wild. Trapping them isn't so fun for the animals either?

Wildlife are going extinct due to over hunting. We killed most of them and trapped the remaining ones. Sorry folks, it IS a cruel world. If we let them go free, they will take up precious real estate, and will more likely to bite you. So zoos seem to be a good solution to keep the wild alive and contain them so we are safe.

If we are to have zoos, let's make sure it is absolutely safe. Otherwise, nurturing tigers is a threat.

1 comment:

Alex Mak said...

Circuses are bad, the zoo is good.
Animals are not suppose to be trained and do tricks for entertainment.

I would keep zoos because zoos educate kids and they have scientists around to study and preserve the exotic species.

The tiger thing? it's an accident. If the zoos don't keep tigers, we would have no idea how tigers look like.

There is also, "Release a Tiger, There Will Be Trouble" Tigers are vengeful beasts, Chinese proverbs say. Mr. MoChung (Water Margin) don't like tigers either.

There is also, "Tigers are Bad, but they don't eat their cubs"

Are tigers all bad? You pick the Chinese proverb.