Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Geography fun

Test your geography knowledge:

I am sure most students will find out how little they know. Students pay too little attention to world geography, because it doesn't matter to them. For instance, where does the location of Washington DC matter?

While that is true, knowledge of pretty much EVERYTHING doesn't really matter isn't it? What does the knowledge of water = H20 matter either?

But folks, not all knowledge have a practical "use". It is for the purpose of understanding! Students need to have a understanding of who they are and the world they live in. Everyone should know where their country is on earth and where the major countries are. Knowledge of map also helps understand history.

Parents: buy your kids toy globes! and maps! Show them around! Ask them to locate the city you live in. Ask them to play game of locating countries and cities. Explain to the kids the tilt of the earth gives the seasons! Explain to them the earth's rotation gives us day and night. Parents are the best possible teachers for their own kids.

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