Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Random thoughts about life

Through links of links of some friend's blog I found out that someone in my church (whom I don't know well) has a prematurely born son who passed away after just 10 days. Not long ago we have seen similarly touching stories of parents writing daily blog for a baby who has serious problems at birth too. The trauma that parents go through in moments like these must be tremendous.

How come I didn't hear this in the prayer items from the church bulletin?
Did I over look it?

I hope the babies rest in peace.

Life is SO precious. We put so much efforts in saving lives. So many people are struggling to stay alive.

Yet we also have the most advanced weapons to take away lives at warzones.
Instead of battling each other, can we turn focus to battling things like diseases instead? (Now that's naive)

But if we have all success in battling diseases and no one dies at all, what kind of world will this be? Life AND death are natural... But yikes, death of babies are so painful.

No one understands why good folks have bad circumstances, and that the real death-deserving guys live long and propser and oppress good folks. This is an age-old question that has no satisfying answer. Parents, you MUST teach your kids and don't let them become death deserving bad guys. But can effective teaching prevent evil?

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