Friday, July 20, 2018

Javascript 6: a first look

OMG, modern javascript has added so many things (ok, may not work on some oldie browser). Check this out

Now it even has object oriented features, modules and stuff. Even has some interesting string manipulation, and gosh much more.

Tweaked a bit of samples to illustrate some, put in a <script> tag, and watch console.

// String manipulation, and extend your lines with backquote

var customer = { name: "John" }
var item = { howmany: 7, product: "Candy Bar", unitprice: 5 }

var message = `Hello ${},
want to buy ${item.howmany} ${item.product} for
a total of ${item.howmany * item.unitprice} dollars?`

console.log("message: "+message)

// ------------------
// OOP for javascript

class Shape {
    constructor (id, x, y) { = id
        this.move(x, y)
    move (x, y) {
        this.x = x
        this.y = y
        console.log("Shape: move to ("+x+","+y+")");

class Rectangle extends Shape {
    constructor (id, x, y, width, height) {
        console.log("Rectangle ctor");
        super(id, x, y)
        this.width  = width
        this.height = height
class Circle extends Shape {
    constructor (id, x, y, radius) {
        console.log("Circle ctor");
        super(id, x, y)
        this.radius = radius

var c = new Circle(1,100,100,5);
var r = new Rectangle(2,10,30,50,50);

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