Friday, February 2, 2018

HTML alt text

Ok back in mid 1990s I read the original HTML primer, and I learned MANY tags in just one day.

Some things are changed and most are... still the same as in first html.

Quiz: how do you show a little hint text on an image?

ALT text did you say?! You are RIGHT.

My favorite site w3schools says that too: ttps:// But look.. IT DOESN'T WORK in today's browser like Chrome and Firefox??

Hover on that smiley face and I did not see the alt text!

Thanks for googling I am able to find the way to do this with the "title" tag. Don't remember seeing that in 1990s in that HTML Primer I read.

<img src="smiley.gif" title="Smiley face" width="42" height="42">

By the way, perfectionists say nobody should hardcode width and height nowadays.

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