Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Election finally over

The 2016 Election finally ended. Trump still win.

Despite all that recount vote effort, 2.9 million more popular votes, Hillary still lost. Most electors (how do they get selected?) simply go with what they were supposed to vote for based on winner-take-all rule for your state.

See here http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/19/us/politics/electoral-college-vote.html for more wackiness of this election. What? Ron Paul got a vote? What? John Kasich got a vote, even Bernie Sanders got a vote. They aren't even running. Those other 2 candidates Johnson and Stein didn't get any (and should probably remain that way). Those deviant electors are doing something completely useless.

So this is it, America. We have to give Trump the presidency.

Next item is the inauguration on Jan 20.

There are people jumping up and down in joy celebrating Trump's win saying he is God chosen and all that and saying their prayers answered.

Getting global warming denier as head of EPA... getting the oil tycoon as secretary of state? There are still people jumping up and down praising God for Trump victory.

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