Monday, February 29, 2016

Getting music on speakers

If you have music on your phone and Ipod device... how do you hear them? Headphone of course. How about out loud?

A bluetooth speaker of course... Some of these are quite expensive. How about in your car, using your car's stereo?

I believe modern cars now have USB ports so you can plug in your phone to charge it and play music out of it. I am not too sure.

If you have an older car, you can try 1 of two things. 1) AUX mode 2) FM Transmitter.

You can have a little device that translates your phone's songs into FM signal via Bluetooth and your car can pick up FM signal as if you are playing FM radio! Now that's pretty amazing. Gee, I wasn't aware of AUX mode so I bought a FM Transmitter thing.

What about the IPod Mini? I have a now-old model... it does not play sound outloud by itself without headphones. Oh it does not have bluetooth. I used to have a simple Sony clock that have the 30 pin thing so you can just plug that in to play but it STOPPED working! Sony used to represent QUALITY but no, it stopped working. How unfortunate

So I bought another speaker. It has NO status lines. It got lights but NO words. Ah it requires bluetooth! But IPod Mini has no bluetooth. Wait there is a little audio cable that I can use but the thing DOES NOT PROVIDE SUCH cable. How frustrating. But ah, my FM transmitter has one. and the speaker needs to press hard to turn on. Not a one touch turn on. WTF. The fact that it has no little LCD screen telling me what it is doing is frustrating.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Chicago hopelessness: crime and CPS

Election, election, election. Everybody seems to only care about the election these days... Trump continues to dominate the headlines. But don't let him overshadow things that really matters, like life-and-death.

In Chicago, some promising innocent person getting killed by stray bullet...may occupy 1 day of headlines and that's it. The news will soon be eclipsed by other killings and of course other remarkable Trump remarks.

It isn't looking good in Chicago here. See Last year there were close to THREE THOUSAND shooting victims, and it is only February we already have 430. If you look at the chart it is a lot more killings than last year. And look. Even if it is half as last year still 1,500 shootings ok? Something needs to be done here.

I don't get it... we fight crime with... some computer/statistics thing? I am not so sure how that helps.

Big Brother approach should be here. Security cameras should be in every corner of the troubled neighborhoods. Propaganda posters saying if-you-shoot-we-shoot all over the place. Yes, some degree of freedom to be traded for more security. If CPD is so uncapable we need the National Guards or the army. And of course there is no money to mobilize troops to secure the streets.

Ok, crime statistics database is out there... how about crime solving statistics? Do killers ever get caught?

And Chicago Public Schools is threatening strike again. Kids on street aren't helping crimes. Dang, what do they want? They want more money less students. They already make $14,000 more than average city residents with a graduate or professional degree. Yes, it is insane to have 40 students. But if you need smaller class size you need more teachers and that will make your paycheck smaller you hear? The solution is infinite amount of money.

There will never be enough money to satisfy unending needs. Can parents contribute a little to hold off a strike? Look at what you're teaching: walk off job if not happy. Is this the right value to put onto children?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Riot in Hong Kong

People in Hong Kong were rioting. This is the biggest conflict since the Umbrella Revolution where people blocked streets protesting against the unfair voting system for their own government official.

A riot, especially around New Lunar Year is rare and troubling. Some details here for example.

Bricks thrown at police... Shots fired in air. The protestors were beat up and arrested. Hong Kong people feel increasingly being oppressed. The freedom that they have enjoyed under British rule is diminishing. Bookstore owner selling banned books in Hong Kong mysteriously made disappeared by mainland cops crossing the border. No one can do anything about it. That previous Chief Executive guy is full of corruption and still not charged yet. Mainland is even pushing for destruction of basic things like reading and writing traditional Chinese and speaking the native Cantonese.

It really is naive to believe Hong Kong can remain its way of life as youngsters increasingly feel hopelessness. Only the richest can afford housing and they work the longest hours.

My facebook feeds are covered with riot pictures along with words describing the hopeless situation there. The future is quite grim over there.

How come Macau don't seem to have as much issues?

It is unfortunate that really, those with bigger fist rule. Hoping mainland be kinder to Hong Kong please.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Outrageous Supreme Court Decision

Many things including Supreme Court decisions are debatable... but not when it comes to things that concerns everybody... the climate.

Just what do these guys want: protect the coal industry? See here:

Have these coal pollution point right at these guys' face please.

Yes it hurts the coal industry, but in the long run if right actions not taken now... the world is DOOMED you hear?

Waita minute just how does check-and-balance work again? How do you overturn a Supreme Court Decision to protect humanity? Wait for these guys to die so the president to appoint new ones?