Monday, August 18, 2014

Formula found on a Children's book

No, I found a formula not a children's math book... but a children book about HEAVEN.

Here on earth, one way to get to know God is by studying His creation. In our forever home, we will have all the time and tools we need to discover, to explore, to experiment, to create, to design.

Ok, I agree with that first sentence.
Look at that picture, there is the Combinatorics formula. n choose r = n!/ (n-r)!r!. What is this other formula?

Ok, just why is this here?

Now is it formula a creation item? You say so? How come I don't see that in the list of things God made in first thin pages describing the Creation week?

Now, where in the Bible does it say you get to have time to discover, experiment, to create and design?

If heaven is there and you can get there, you get to praise the Lord endlessly and not need to even bother to combinatorics. That formula is human creation (and it is actually pretty easy to derive this yourself).

I think it is scary to put words in God's mouth.

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