Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Can't recycle that batteries

I recycle things. That plastic bottle shouldn't end up in landfills. That aluminum can also shouldn't. So are those cardboard boxes and the annoying advertising stuff coming to my mailbox. I take them to the city's recycling center. Find one near you here. NOBODY ELSE that I know do this. Go to some party? garbage full of aluminum cans. I don't know anyone who cares about the environment. Perhaps I should find a support group in Green Peace or something.

What about batteries? Once upon a time I see collection bins in Walgreens and the public library. And yes, they are supposed to have it. See here. Nope, not anymore. And they redirect me: Walgreens->Library->Radio Shack->Walgreens. This is ridiculous, no one is taking used batteries. Sorry... I had to toss them in regular garbage. Future generations! do not blame me. I had no outlet to toss them right.

I probably should burn and explode them in front of the City Hall to protest I guess.

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