Thursday, May 10, 2012

Obama supports gay marriage

This is it. Obama declares support gay marriage.

Note this position shift:

In 2004, as a candidate for the US Senate, he cited his own religion in framing his views: “I'm a Christian. I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”

For those who are against is, what is your basis? The Bible you say? Do you have good explanations for each one of the following as described here?

Homosexuality is nothing new. It is there since ancient times. It is legal vs not-legal, support vs not-support debate being the new thing about it.

Perhaps one can look at this in anthropological point of view... the problem with homosexual couple is... they can't have their own children. Sure they can adopt. Sure, one of them can be actual parent given some sperm/egg donation from someone else. But these are not official offspring involving both members of the couple. If everyone is gay, the human race becomes distinct.

No I am not implying those who can't have children can't marry either.

Supporting gay couples means the very foundation of human structure: the family would be altered.

This is some tremendous social impact.

Where did you come from? Yes, you came from one man and one woman (your parents).

Marriage is spawning a new family, and it takes one man + one woman to have kids to create the family. I dare to say: nature has specified this process.

For those who prefer another combination of family... I do not support any laws to make that illegal. But I do not support marriage available for any other combination other than one man + one woman.

Coming next, what stops you from marrying your Ipad, your dog, your own granddaughter?

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