Monday, December 27, 2010

A meaningful Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS! The world suddenly filled with joy as people celebrate Christmas.. it is time where shopping malls are filled even most shoppings can be done online. Some people party like crazy, some even drink a lot and drive and die. Yes Christmas is important as it fuels the economy. Perhaps we should take a look at Christmas again... and have a more meaningful Christmas.

If you believe in Jesus... Look, Jesus never asked you to celebrate Christmas or exchange presents. Even the (mysterious) wise men didn't come every year. His 12 disciples never bother to buy Jesus anything. Also, you better know that the day of Jesus's birthday is actually not specified in the Bible and there is no Santa or Christmas tree either. How I wish the angels come sing again.
If you don't believe in Jesus... you are celebrating the birthday of a fictitious person? Do you want to celebrate birthday of Mickey Mouse also?

Good ways to spend Christmas
Christmas is a great reason to get together with your family. Go ahead, gather at grandpa/grandma's place.
Take a family picture.
Help the needy. Donate a few cans for food drive. Donate to charity.

Bad ways to celebrate Christmas
Spend a tremendous amount of money on gifts to people who already have everything
Meaningless loud party with not-so important people

Christmas suddenly puts the world in JOYOUS mode to temporarily relief from news violence happening everyday in the world. "Peace on Earth" filled Christmas hymns (comes from Luke 2:14), but unfortunately is far from reality.

Happy New Year.

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