Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Sad Day for Illinois"

Politics in Illinois is once in spotlight again. The last time it was Obama: we have another president from Illinois since Lincoln! And he is of course the nation's first African-American president... Martin Lurther King's dream fulfilled.... etc.

Obama is currently a senator from Illinois, when he becomes president we need a replacement Illinois senator!

Ok, no special election needs to take place. The governor appoints one... and whoa! corruption has allegedly occured: the post would go to the highest bidder. He was arrested and released on bond, of course, denying wrong doing.

The previous governor Ryan is already in jail. Blagojevich is elected to clean up that mess. Chances are: Blagojevich may end up in jail too if proven guilty! How about in the same cell and call it the Governor's Mansion.

These politicans have lost Americans' trust. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley says: "it is a sad day for Illinois."

Ok, is it a tip of iceberg? If everything that all the government officials do are revealed. Do you think there will be more corruptions all over?

Be aware, history lessons say corrption, economic depression and all that leads to revolts and revolutions.

Some people, including Obama, urge Blagojevich to resign. What I don't understand is this: how come no one talks impeachment? Well, governors from both Republician and Democrat parties are not so trustworthy, what's next for Illinois?

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