Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Questions

For the scientists:
Just what was the Star of Bethlehem? Was it really a star? Was it the Halley Comet, or some nova? Was it a UFO of some sort? Anyone else besides the wise men from the East saw it?

For the middle-eastern historian:
Did the wise men record anything about their visit to Bethelhem when they return to the East?
The census: what data about Joseph and Mary was gathered?

For the theologists:
Why can't Herod himself find Jesus by following the star?
What is the significance of the wisemen? They don't appear anywhere else after Jesus' baby times.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Be Part of the Equation"

While walking in a department store, I saw some clothesline with the word "equation" on it. So I must take a look.
It says "Be Part of the Equation". Ok, but what equation is it? Ah, I found it, it is "1 > 0".

So it is a non-profit One is Greater Than None organization created by teenagers to help the needy in Africa.
It is great to have a heart for the needy!

But sorry, I'd like to point out that "1 > 0" is not an equation. It is an inequality. Equations have the equal sign (=) and both sides must be equal.

But "Be Part of the Inequality" sounds terrible on a T-shirt?

Besides this clothesline, there are plenty of merchandise that claims to help Africa by donating a certain amount... Although it is good thing, but doesn't fix the root of the problems.
Why are people genociding each other over there? Until there is a PEACE in there it is hard to help by donating small amounts... How do we give them fresh water and solve their food crisis and other problems? Until there is solution to those it is hard to help.

But some help is better than nothing.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoes thrown at Bush!

This video is remarkable. It is such great symbolism at how popular is Bush and the war in Iraq.

I wish there will be interactive books in the future, much like little icons of sounds that children's books have. This shoe video will be a great addition to such interactive books.

Bush's reactions is amazingly fast!

I suppose this will be used as basis of video games, probably flash games on the internet. I am sure late night talk shows will play with this.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tribune and Bankruptcy

Chicago Tribune filed for bankruptcy. See this link on the Tribune itself. Perhaps it is painful to layout and print that story for the newspaper workers.

Will that be the last story that they publish? Not really. Bankruptcy doesn't mean it is no longer in business... I still see the newspaper on sale today.

I first learned about the word "bankrupt" when watching Wheel of Fortune as a kid. (Ok, why does this show last for SO LONG?! is another topic.) Contestants who get it gets a cartoon-style sound and the $ for the current round goes to 0. Now that's a visual demonstration of the word! The unfortunate contestants usually keep clapping to pretend to cheer for the next contestant.

Well in real life the meaning of bankruptcy is different...

Bankruptcy just protects itself from collectors collecting its debt... Ok, bankruptcy is a fairly complex concept, this howstuffworks page gives a good introduction.

The fact that Tribune goes bankrupt and other bad economy news say it is some tough times.

The newspaper industry is destined to decline! People get FREE newspapers, such as the Red Eye, from Tribune itself... who needs to pay $0.75? People get news from internet. Who needs bulky paper copy?

* * *
So the Auto industry bailout plan died in Senate. The Big 3 (or ONLY 3) may have to go bankrupt! Perhaps... let it be! Is there anyone in the country willing to BUY one of the failed business and make it work better? (Hire back the best workers of the failed Big 3) I suppose America can use a new, better run auto company.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Sad Day for Illinois"

Politics in Illinois is once in spotlight again. The last time it was Obama: we have another president from Illinois since Lincoln! And he is of course the nation's first African-American president... Martin Lurther King's dream fulfilled.... etc.

Obama is currently a senator from Illinois, when he becomes president we need a replacement Illinois senator!

Ok, no special election needs to take place. The governor appoints one... and whoa! corruption has allegedly occured: the post would go to the highest bidder. He was arrested and released on bond, of course, denying wrong doing.

The previous governor Ryan is already in jail. Blagojevich is elected to clean up that mess. Chances are: Blagojevich may end up in jail too if proven guilty! How about in the same cell and call it the Governor's Mansion.

These politicans have lost Americans' trust. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley says: "it is a sad day for Illinois."

Ok, is it a tip of iceberg? If everything that all the government officials do are revealed. Do you think there will be more corruptions all over?

Be aware, history lessons say corrption, economic depression and all that leads to revolts and revolutions.

Some people, including Obama, urge Blagojevich to resign. What I don't understand is this: how come no one talks impeachment? Well, governors from both Republician and Democrat parties are not so trustworthy, what's next for Illinois?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Golden and Silver Rule

The following is from wiki about Confucious:

Perhaps his most famous teaching was the Golden Rule stated in the negative form, often called the silver rule:

Adept Kung asked: "Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?"
The Master replied: "How about 'shu' [reciprocity]: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself?"
Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton

Golden Rule is Jesus's famous statement "do to others what you would have them do to you" Matthew 7:12

So Jesus and Confucious basically have an equivalent statement, how come one gold and one silver? (Ok, that's meaningless protest).

己所不欲、勿施於人: I always thought the meaning was something like this: don't like a gift? don't recycle it and give to another person. I didn't realize this deeper meaning. This is a statement for use throughout life: 可終身行之一言!

About the translation: 'shu' (恕) = reciprocity? Um, I thought reciprocity is x and 1/x? As far as I understand 恕 is forgiveness!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Environmental Ideas

People won't do anything, even saving the earth if there is no financial incentive. So in order to save environment, we must make it benefitial to do so.

Got some ideas here.

1. Durable Coffee Mugs
Look at the lines of your local Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. People line up and willing to pay $2 for their morning coffee. Free Coffee should be a basic benefit of a company! In that expensive $, there is also the disposable cup that is wasted.

Let's Dunkin and Starbucks to sell durable mugs (ok, they already do). Give customer a discount if they use the re-usable mugs. That is, pay just $1.75 if you use the durable cup. That way, people will BUY the mug to save $, and stores will use less paper/foam cups and benefitial for the environment! win-win-win situation.

2. Free shopping bags, make people pay for plastic bags
Even at $1 a reusable grocery bag, is the American public going to bother to buy one instead of the free plastic bags at grocery stores? How about giving them out for free. Make collector editions so it is fun to own one! After that, make customers pay a quarter for each plastic bag at grocery stores. The govenment will surely be able to recover the cost of the free bag. Plastic bag usage will instantly come down (ask Ikea how many bags it saved)

3. Fewer other models, lower cost of the hybrid
It is prohibitively expensive to get a hybrid. It costs at least $5000 more than a
regular car. How many gallons of gas to use before it make financial sense? And there are so few out there. The Toyota guy I talked to say I must wait at least a year to get a Prius. Ok, America will continue to burn gasoline and make Earth global warm like Venus if it continues that way. GM has how many models? All those chevy and pontiac stuff don't sell that well anyway? How about discontinue them, mass produce the Volt or another hybrid model... concentrate effort on it to lower the cost... make it more cost-effective and available than the Japanese models! I'd love to "buy American", but that American product needs to be better and cheaper than others!

4. Recycle cans with incentive
When I was a kid, coke (and great tasting soy milk!) comes in glass bottles. You pay extra deposit $ for the glass bottles and when you return that you get the money back. Look at a typical alumnium can, a handful of states do that. It should be extended to all 50 states. That makes people recycle cans with financial motivation... Better yet, don't drink that much pops. Look at those cute 100 calorie cans.... It takes at least 10 minutes of jogging/running to burn that!

Heavenly Events

Jupiter and Venus will be bright tonight! Here is the news item.
Astronomy events awe scientist and backyard skywatching enthusiasts. No I don't own expensive telescopes nor binoculars. I live in city and have little chance of being able to see anything other than the sun and moon (because light from city and smog). However I did go to the plantarium and observed the red planet Mars at its closest to earth in 50000 years in 2003.

It seems that scientists know a lot about astronomy. The weatherman can predict EXACTLY sunrise, sunset time and say meteor shower will occur when and where. Astronomy books are big with beautiful photographs along with charts such as oh this planet has certain diameter and mass and has so many mooons, and revolve around in exactly so many earth days. They can even tell you what gases are in their atmosphere.

Actually scientists only know some very basic information about the universe we live in. People are studying hard from the dusts of Mars... There are many, gosh so many unknowns in space. It is the final frontier.

I think every one should take an intro to astronomy class in college, unfortunately I didn't have time to do so! Astronomy 101 should be fun; beyond that may be too difficult for most! I have seen a TA dealing with very difficult looking Riemann non-Euclidean geometry and those equations make me faint. See here for a taste of it. Folks, relativity and Einstein is not just the easy looking equation E=mc2.

Unfortunately I don't know any astronomy enthusiasts/experts in person... I'd like to ask: how do you know that certain bright objects are planets and not stars millions of lightyears away?

But how many people care about astronomy? Unless a huge meteorite is going to hit the earth, not many people will look up. We are like a bunch of working ants... (many of them in suit-and-tie talking about the stock market) could there be some other beings watching us like people watching ants?