Monday, April 28, 2008

Truck crashes into Chinatown Train Station

A truck slammed into the Chinatown Train Station during evening rush hour last Friday, killing 2 and injured a dozen.
See this Tribune article for details.

The weather was nice during the day before the accident. A heavy thunderstrom striked on that evening, as if heaven is weeping for the poor victims.

I got off at the same station just 1 day before. It can happen to ME.

The station is located at the T-intersection from the 90/94 exit and Cermak. Vehicles must turn left or right after exiting, or slam into the train station. In the ancient study of Feng Shui, that is a terrible spot, as it constantly seems like someone is coming toward you. Feng Shui specialists may advice you to put a mirror or something to reflect it somehow. While there is not really scientific basis of Feng Shui, the designer of the station should have used some precaution. A barricade like those surrounding government buildings should have been there to minimize potential damage.

I don't really blame the CTA for this. There IS plenty of space to turn left or right. Who would have thought that someone slam right into it?

After this incident, please, put barricades on any station that is in potentially dangerous T-intersection.

If the truck has smashed into the beam supporting the bridge to the other side of Cermak, it may kill just the reckless driver, or collapse the bridge, none of which are nice scenarios.

This is a terrible accident.

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