It is 2022 already and Covid-19 is still with us. At of this post there are more than 850,000 Americans dead. Yes we all live in fear in 2020 as there is no cure no vaccine, but now there is. There is endless arguments regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. Some simply won't take it and even go so far as saying "over my dead body". Some are ok with vaccines but just not ok with the mandate as that restricts their freedom they say.
There are many outspoken anti-vax people like radio hosts, pastors and government officials dead already by Covid.
Just why are some people so anti-vax? Here are some arguments:
- Vaccine come too fast, can't be trusted.
- I got covid already I can fight it off
- It turn you to zombie and there is liquid microchip!
- I can fight it off
You need to trust medical experts on the effectiveness of the vaccine. You ain't smarter than them. And look, experts say you can get it again even if you had it already so you need the vaccine to protect you. Again you ain't smarter than the experts. Don't get me started on absolute idiots who try horse deworming medicines.
For those who think there is microchip and stuff, prove it! For those macho musclemen who think they can fight it off look at testimonies of those who are even stronger than you get it and some died. You ain't more macho then them.
Look if you don't get vaccinated the virus will get you. Simple as that. Idiots say should not let children wear mask as childrens less likely to get it. Dude: one child die is one chld too many to such idiots.
Now, the Chicago Public School teachers refuse to even teach as they think the classrooms are risky. I don't blame them. But the CPS retaliate by not letting them teach online so they don't get paid? This is nuts the kids need to learn something! To stop the cases people need the vaccine. Yes those who get vaccinated still get Covid... but at least fewer of those are jamming the hospitals. The vaccines are the best defense now. Go take it. All of your lame reasons have been debunked.