Monday, May 24, 2021

Origin of Covid

Why is Fauci flip flopping on the origin of COVID? Sometimes he says the virus could not artificially or deliberately manipulated... sometimes he says otherwise.

Look, we look up to scientists for answers. People actually believe you when you are a top scientist. What should we belive in now?

Now the very fact that China won't allow you go investigate until after a year already says a lot.

The fact that the virus lab is so close to that wet market also says a lot.

And look, Wuhan is a big city not near caves, where do you think the bats come from. Sure enough some Chinese eat wacky wild animals... but they have done that for centuries. It is gotta be that lab. But of ourse you won't be able to find any evidence after it has been cleaned for a year. Fauci himself needs to be investigated.

The result will be a stalemate because no evidence would be found. And just what you going to do if you know it is an accidental leak? what if it is deliberate leak? Are you going to nuke China?

Friday, May 21, 2021

Another Israel/Palestine conflict

Excellent summary of what happened can be found in wikipedia:

Whoa! rockets left and right and the Iron Dome able to counter it.. It is just like the 1980 video game Missile Command. Who's fault is this? The answer depends on what you read. The deeply rooted conflicts will not ever likely to get a true solution. Not even a two-state solution will work (or it would have happened already). Biden claims Israel "has right to defend itself"... for bombing 11 days or however many days Netanyahu feels. No one can stop Netanyahu. Not the US president...not the UN. Not the pope. Nobody. I thought the UN is supposed to make the world a safer place... apparently it seems not very effective at that.

Endless cycle of violence has no solutions. History book goes on. Violence and conflicts on every page continues. How naive do you think "love" can solve all problems. It can, but no one would practice that option when there are lives and properties lost.