Monday, October 19, 2020

Will Biden go down like Hillary?

Poll leading to the finish line! Play with electoral votes map... Democrate is going to win!

That was from 2016.

Last minute Hillary email scandal (remember?) may have brought her down. Waita minute she wasn't down. She got millions more popular votes and still lost. I am still not sure if this last minute scandal and that "Lock Her Up" chant has pulled her down. Why she still isn't locked up now? If she really done something wrong should have been locked by now?

Now 4 years later. Last minute scandal by Biden and his son Hunter's laptop... which is just abandoned at a computer shop with emails leading to their illegal dealings? Is this true or is it last minute political dirt again? A laptop loaded with important stuff just waiting to be discovered? Seems too easy to obtain. But the thing is major outlets not reporting it. Is it cover up?

And yes, Trump can still win. But look at what he say today. Trump calling Fauci an idiot and disaster and "He’s been there for about 350 years, I don’t want to hurt him," How do you elect a clown like this?

How does such being deserve to be president when you take the scientists words out of context in your ad and say such things. That virus handling has been true disaster. Trump is just LUCKY to be still alive.

So there are 2 types of people who will vote for Trump: (1) true idiots. and (2) those who are smart to know the evil of leftism which Biden and Harris are going to embrace.

This is not 2016. Many people already did early voting. So the explosive scandal come in too late even if it is true... and of course don't believe everything you read in New York Post or other single source.

Sure, Trump does not deserve to win.

But do leftists deserve to win? You decide. But if you live in a Blue state it doesn't matter. If you live in a Red State it doesn't matter either. Cause your puny vote is insignificant. Only those in swing states with lots of electoral votes matter, thanks to the brilliant electoral college system.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump vs Covid-19

This is the most interesting chapter in US History. Election is just a month away and what an October surprise. Trump got Covid-19. So did his wife and a few people "in his orbit" as some news article say it. Spread event right there in the white house. No mask. No social distance. Here is that consequence. And nope. as of this point this is not the end of Trump. Even his age and weight put him in high risk group. Oh there is the experimental drug he is having... which isn't the same one he pushed earlier. Seems to be working for him as this moment and he is back in action. Before he return to White House... he did this controversial SUV ride! Why is that even needed? You are putting that driver in danger! "Don't be afraid of Covid!" he tweeted.

Now I do NOT wish him death. That would cause the world to be in havac and send the Dow Jones to hell.

But look, how irreponsible is this to host that White House event without mask on.

But at this point Trump won. Trump also beat impeachment. Completely invincible.

Will the election able to get rid of him? I. am. afraid. not.

This election is all about Trump. It is Trump vs non Trump. Trump got fans. It seems Biden does not.

It does not matter if Biden leading by 100 points because only swing states count. Trump will be preceived as the invincible winner. He will definitely work together with UK PM who also got Covid-19 and beat the heck out of China in next term.

It is unfortunate that out of a sea of Democratic candidates not one stand out as charismatic and pragmatic and had the experience. Biden already the best choice among those.

So I predict... a Trump win because Dems are too pathetic.

And look at what they want to do... make Washington DC a state! That's because they just want more senate votes. To win any thing later Dems, get rid of the electoral college! Good luck with that.