The ideal world should be this: everyone goes to their neighborhood school. It is easy to get there... should be able to go on foot. Who needs to sing the wheel-on-the-bus? What if your neighborhood school is struggling with ultra low scores year after years and 90% of a single ethnic group? Now, really, failing scores of previous year should have nothing to do with first grade students just entering into a school? But if statistics is of any value, those school that show failure as far back as there was record just likely to fail also even if you send your smart child there.
So in this system, here is what parents do: take their 5-year-olds to tests of arbitrary things and the score will have lasting effect of their life. Can't-go-to-good-school most likely mean failure for rest of life, some are afraid.
Look, what if my 5 year old just won't cooperate with the tester? Just what sort of reading and math ability do you expect out of a 5 year old? To get to a relatively good school you need to get score of 99%+ and a good lottery number. Close to mission impossible for most, I believe.
Alternatively, you can also put up with outrageous expensive private schools, or move to an outrageous neighborhood so a good school is your neighborhood school (which will take you without lottery and test)
Waita minute, that is a wacky system. how come so many of the schools do so poorly, especially the school around my neighborhood?. Do the teachers do anything?
Answer I heard: it is the union. Poor teachers get paid even if they don't teach anything. And poverty have the vicious cycle of poverty->poor school grades->more poverty. Oh now that's sad. Waita minute then why is there any good school then? How do the winning schools work? Oh and there is magnet and charter school types too... adding more complexity...