It has been bitter cold in Chicago for a long time.
We've had mild weather for the past couple months, and now we have bitter cold with a high of maybe 2 degrees Frahenheit. The winchill is something like -25. I am glad the cold is not followed by a big snow storm. Snow turned into solid ice is not pretty.
The water bottle left in my car turned into solid ice.
One NICE thing about the cold is that the beggers don't come soliciting at the stop lights. Chicago should make laws to arrest these guys. I may sound incompassionate. But guys, it is dangerous for both the drivers and the beggers. GO to a warmth shelter.
I feel sorry for those in need, some post sign saying they are veterans. So the department of veteran affairs don't provide them anything? It is easy for the govt to ask you to fight, not too easy when you want the govt to take care of you for the rest of your life. Sorry, I see no solution to those in poverty. I am seeing myself into poverty when no one hires me.
The heat bill is going to be outrageous for the lasting bitter coldness.
What about all the talks in global warming? Are we worried that the icecaps will melt? But how do you explain this cold weather?
Some people simply refuse to admit that the pollutions are destroying the earth. Of course, the short term goal of the big oil companies is to make as much money as we can. Why? so they can pay their heat bills (and all sort of outrageous expensive things like medical care).